What to expect from an AnimalQi IVDD treatment protocol?
What to expect from an AnimalQi IVDD treatment protocol?
Intervertebral disc disease is a disease syndrome in animals when the intervariable disc prolapse into the spinal column crushing the nerves and causing paralysis or partial paralysis of the limbs.
The initial injury is very painful and requires immediate emergency pain management.
At AnimalQi Wellness Centre we use a combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, rehab therapy, and conventional medicine to treat dogs paralyzed during IVDD.
We expect complete commitment from our pet parents during this process.
Treatment times and success rates vary with every individual depending on the severity of the injury and the constitution of the animal.
We ask that owners commit to at least three treatment sessions 3 days apart. Most paralysis cases can take up to 8 sessions before dogs are able to walk or significant improvement is seen, in extreme cases, treatment may take up to 12 months before full function is returned.
Herbs and pain medication will be dispensed during the treatment period as needed.
Pet parents will be instructed on how to do home exercises that will increase recovery and success.
The prognosis depends on the following factors:
- The sooner treatment is started after the initial injury the better the prognosis and the quicker the recovery.
- If treatment with corticosteroids was given before acupuncture the prognosis is significantly poorer and the treatment time will increase.
- If deep and superficial pain is present the prognosis for success is increased.
- If pet parents comply with strict cage rest, and are committed and diligent with home exercises the prognosis for success significantly increases.
- Animals with a good “Shen” generally have a better prognosis.

Success in the treatment of IVDD is a team effort. The animal, owner, and veterinary team need to work together and be committed to the process.
Do not hesitate to ask our Wellness team should you have any questions or concerns regarding the treatment of your dog.
Do we have any questions or concerns?
Please email us at info@animalqi.co.za
Like the AnimalQi FB page for clinical cases and research posts. @QiAnimal
(Diagnoses and treatment advice will not be given on email of WhatsApp)
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